O Tinteiro Hot Spring

Paseo do Tinteiro, 22, 32001

One of the most beloved thermal springs in the city.

ES Fuente de O Tinteiro | GL Fonte do Tinteiro

A much loved and visited hot spring on the banks of river Minho, whose thermal waters are traditionally attributed important therapeutic properties, especially in the care of skin conditions.

The source is located at a wooden gazebo built on the riverbed, with magnificent views of the surroundings. It is accessed by a footpath that begins in the nearby A Chavasqueira, which is 500 metres away.


Quimical composition: Hyperthermal waters with low mineralization, bicarbonate, sodium, and fluorides.

Contraindications:Check with your doctor before using these facilities.

Hot Spring Temperature: 37,3ºC

PH: 8.47