Newest Bridge

It was a crucial construction for the development of Galicia in the 1970s, connecting this territory with central Spain.

ES Puente Novísimo | GL Ponte Novísima

The Newest Bridge was designed in the early 1960s as part of the road to Madrid, one of the main infrastructures of the time. This was a part of the plan of connections with central Spain, called “access to Galicia”, in which Ourense played a central role as a communications hub.

Also known as Ribeiriño Bridge, it was designed by engineer José Antonio Puyal Lezcano. Its construction ended in 1966, but it was not until 1971 that it began to fulfill its function when it was connected to the road network.

The total length of work, 240 metres, is organized from a central span composed of two huge vaults of 60 metres of span, and 8 lateral ones with 20 metres of span each, all supported on thick rectangular pillars. The bridge, entirely built in concrete, rises 20 metres above the usual river level.